Excellence in Process Safety Management

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26–27 March 2018
How to apply the practical aspects of process safety to your project

This course will take the participants through the stages of process safety and environmental management in a straight forward and practical manner. Interspersed with practical examples and hands on application of the techniques required to successfully strengthen the process safety management in your organisations. From why unexpected events can develop out of control to how barriers can be implemented to halt the progress of the consequences. The sessions will cover a range of existing techniques to the latest approaches to integrating safety into the "mind" of the corporate cultures.

Learn from our expert trainer

Paul Hill
Associate Consultant at Euro Petroleum Consultants


Paul Hill has over 35 years of experience working in process, safety and environmental engineering, offshore and onshore operations, maintenance and project management, process safety engineering and a consultant.


Benefits of Attending

  • Understand ‘what is process safety’ and what are the key elements
  • Understand the concept of leading and lagging process safety indicators
  • Know and understand international standards and best practices
  • Be able to identify and analyse process hazards
  • Be able to identify and minimise risks associated with abnormal operations including start-up and shut-down
  • Be able to categorise and investigate process safety incidents by severity

Who Should Attend?

Course is applicable to those working with high hazard processes including reservoir and subsea systems, pipelines, offshore topsides, FPSOs, oil, gas, LNG and marine terminals, refineries, utilities, petrochemical plants, plastics, polyethylene and fertilizer facilities.

Course Format

The course is presented in a highly participative format. The trainer will start with some basic principles, requiring interaction and discussion with the delegates. Actual case studies, discussions and interactive analyses will ensure that the course content is both engaging and interesting.

Registration & coffee will start at 8:00am on Day One. The course will run for two days, starting daily at 8:30am and finishing at 4:30pm. There will be two coffee breaks and a seated buffet lunch on each day.

Agenda Key Highlights
  • What, Where, and Why do accidents happen and What and Who do they Impact?
  • Technical Process Safety and Environmental Protection
  • Defining Hazards and Hazard Awareness
  • Process Hazard Analysis (PHA)
  • Why PHAs?
  • Lifecycle of Risk Assessments
  • Defining Risks – the Practical Approach
  • What Happens When Things Go Wrong?
  • Risk Control and Risk Management
  • Risk Tolerability
  • Process Safety Information and Maintenance
  • Risk of Management of Change
  • Human Factors
  • Process Safety Management and Action Close Out
  • Risk Assessment Analysis Organisations
  • Lessons Learned Around the World
  • Safety Culture

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This training course is in association with:
Gulf Safety Forum
GSF 2018 banner
28 & 29 March 2018