Contact Us
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To ensure market proximity, flexibility and the best understanding of our clients’ needs, Euro Petroleum Consultants has offices in London, Dubai, Sofia and Kuala Lumpur.
Our well-established consulting business unit, wide web of industry connections and highly successful and respected conferences have helped to position the company as a recognised leader and reliable partner.
London Headquarters
44 Oxford Drive
Bermondsey Street
London SE1 2FB
United Kingdom
+44 (0) 20 7357 8394

Dubai Office
Consulting & Conferences
AU Gold Tower, Office 32-I
Jumeirah Lakes Towers
PO Box 625766
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
+971 (0) 4 421 4642

Sofia Office
Marketing & Business Development
16, Simeonovsko Shose Blvd.
Vitosha District
1700, Sofia
+359 884 884 535

Kuala Lumpur Office
Asia Representative Office
E-2-22 IOI Boulevard
Jalan Kenari 5
Bandar Puchong Jaya
47170 Selangor, Malaysia
+603 8073 7232
Registered address: Euro Petroleum Consultants Ltd, 6, Hale End, Hook Heath, Woking, GU22 0LH, United Kingdom