International Bottom of the Barrel Technology Conference 2017

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Contact Us

For general enquiries please contact us at:
Marina Marchovska
Conference Director IDW

Contact Marina if you would like to make a presentation or sponsor the events or if you are an existing speaker or sponsor of the events.

Joe Aina
Business Development/Senior Consultant

Please contact Joe Aina if you are interested in sponsoring or exhibiting at the event.

Miro Cavkov
Technical Advisor, Research & New Business Development Manager - ROW

Contact Miro if you are an oil & gas operating or producing company employee and you would like to register for IDW.

Dimana Atanasova
Conference Manager

Contact Dimana for delegate and registration enquiries, group registrations, and exhibition enquiries.

Rumyana Dimova
Managing Director Europe & Asia

Contact Rumyana if you have comments or suggestions for improving the concept, service, programme or topics for the EPC events focused on Asia & Europe, for new events ideas or for multiple events sponsorship deals across these regions.

If you have any questions regarding payment please contact our Accounting at or Tel +44 20 7357 8394.