17th January 2019
London, United Kingdom
IMO 2020 –
Are you ready? Debate with the Specialists!
17th January 2019, London
Welcome to IMO 2020 - Are you ready? Debate with the Specialists!
The new IMO regulation cuts the maximum amount of sulphur emissions to 0.5 percent from 3.5 percent, meaning that ships without scrubbers have to burn lower-sulphur fuels such as marine gasoil or ultra-low-sulphur fuel oil. Experts say this will cut fuel oil demand by anywhere from 1.7 MMbpd to 3.5 MMbpd.
This will also have a significant impact on refinery configuration and operations. To reach compliance, substantial investment in upgrading fuel oil residues to gasoil grades will be needed, however there are alternatives such as:
- Reduction of residue production through changes in crude slate
- Residue destruction (i.e. not produce fuel)
- Desulphurisation of residues and blending with low sulphur gasoils
Whilst any regulatory compliance always provides challenges it can also offer many opportunities. We will discuss the highs, lows and potential international and regional impact on margins and crude prices.
IMO 2020 – Are You Ready? Debate with the Specialists!
This will bring together the 4 core groups that are directly involved with this issue:
What are the capabilities of the world's refiners to supply the required fuel?
Technology and solution providers
Case Studies showing the solutions and technologies that are helping the industry work towards compliance
Scrubber installations vs LNG or methanol ships What is the geographical approach to compliance?
Government / legislation
How will the regulation be enforced and what support if any is available?
Our esteemed panellists and speakers will discuss and debate with delegates in an interactive format, sharing knowledge and insights into how IMO 2020 will shape the bunker fuels market and affect the industry as a whole; along with valuable networking opportunities, this important event will provide an unrivalled opportunity to gain valuable information on this vital topic.
Photos from the event
Topics to be discussed:
- The bunker fuel market of today and beyond
- Regulation review – enforcement and compliance. What are the real implications of IMO 2020?
- Industry viewpoints to include refiners, crude oil producers and ship-owners

Call for Papers
If you wish to submit an abstract for presentation on any of the above please submit your abstract here
Submit your abstracts Contact UsAgenda Outline
The event will be run as a series of panel discussions and short presentations with audience interaction and live polls throughout encouraging debate and discussion between speakers and delegates.
Edmund Hughes, Head of Air Pollution and Energy Efficiency, Subdivision for Protective Measures, Marine Environment Division, IMO (INTERNATIONAL MARITIME ORGANISATION)
Niels Bjørn Mortensen, Maritime Regulations – Owner, NIELS BJORN MORTENSEN CONSULT
- Current refining preparations & major investment technology choices
- Practical short & medium term options for responding to the expected market changes
- Options & Solutions for long term strategic positioning
- Combining Technologies to meet future requirements
- High-lift ROSE with high conversion hydrocracking & an integrated solidification system
- Economic & Operating Benefits of BoB schemes
Ramamurthy Palepu, Head of EPS, Corporate Planning & IT, SLT, Essar Oil UK Ltd
- Cost effective solutions - upgrading residues into low sulphur bunker and transportation fuels
- Impact of upgrading residues on the existing refinery scheme and units
- Maximising use of existing units & reusing any redundant units such as Visbreaking for other services
- IMO – the challenges for Refiners & Shippers alike
- Viable solutions with the clock ticking down
- What the majority of 2020 fuels will look like, and how this may impact operation (stability and compatibility)
- Operational considerations to ensure compliance onboard ship pre-2020, tank cleaning options available
- How additives can help improve blends and ensure compatibility, both for suppliers and users
Anna Ziou, Policy Director (Safety & Environment), UK CHAMBER OF SHIPPING
Ron van Gelder (Ron), HMR Policy Department, Division Harbourmaster, Sr. Advisor, PORT OF ROTTERDAM AUTHORITY
Poul Woodall, Director, Environment & Sustainability, DFDS
Chris Millman, Vice President, Corporate Marine Technology, CARNIVAL CORPORATION PLC
Eelco Dekker, Chief Representative Europe, Directeur Général Europe, Methanol Institute
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Who should attend
All those involved with strategy and implementation of IMO including but not limited to:
Contact the Organisers
We are here to provide you with more information on the event or answer any questions you may have and create an effective solution for your participation.
+44 (0) 20 7357 8394 info@europetro.com
Le Meridien Piccadilly, London