Recognising and Rewarding Outstanding Achievements
Following the overwhelming feedback we received from the people who have made this great event the success it is today, OPEX MENA has increased the number of Awards Categories to recognise and reward a broader scope of the exceptional talent, both organisational and individual, that exists within the region’s Operational Excellence and HSE communities.
By sharing the examples, and showcasing the achievements of the OPEX MENA AWARDS winners, we hope to drive innovation and change, promote best practice, and help shape a better future for our region.

- SPEAKING SLOT: a 3-minute speaking slot on the main stage on Day 1 of the Conference
- PRESENT THE AWARD: your senior representative is invited to the main stage to present the Award of the category you sponsor
- MARKETING CAMPAIGN: your company logo is included in the comprehensive digital marketing campaign and featured prominently at the event and on all branding related to the Awards
- NETWORKING: elevate your senior representative’s profile among their peers at a time when your brand is highly visible
- BRAND ASSOCIATION: your brand is associated with an industry-leading event
- SUPPORTING YOUR INDUSTRY: your organisation is acknowledged as a key supporter of the industry and its community
- INDUSTRY RECOGNITION - gain the recognition of your professional peers with a prestigious award selected by an independent panel of well-respected judges.
- BRAND AWARENESS - an opportunity to engage with the industry, enhance your brand profile and showcase your leading position on quality, innovation, and the continuous pursuit of excellence.
- TEAM BUILDING - not only an opportunity to recognise and reward staff performance, but also an opportunity to inspire and motivate individuals and teams to continue to excel and maximise their potential.
Register Your Interest
Submit your Completed Nomination
Independent Judging Panel Convenes
Shortlist Decided
Awards Ceremony
Award finalists and winners are selected by the Awards Jury. A rigorous and transparent judging process ensures each nomination is assessed by a Jury of independent experts comprising renowned, senior industry executives.
- All nominations must relate to HSE and/or OE in the Oil, Gas and Petrochemicals industries. Nominations relevant to other industries will not be accepted.
- Each nomination must not exceed the maximum word count of 750 (A4 page).
- You may resubmit a previous nomination however, please provide a clear project, product, or initiative update for the period of time between the previous and the current submission.
- Including images, graphs, or other supporting documents in the final submission can strengthen the nomination.
- All finalists will be required to register for OPEX MENA and attend the Awards Ceremony.
- By registering to participate in the Award, you consent to the official Event photographer/videographer taking such materials, which may feature the participant and/or his/her guest(s), and the use of such materials in future marketing material and post-event publicity. If the delegate or any of his/her guest(s) object to this, they must notify the organiser prior to the Event. Video interviews will be conducted with OPEX MENA AWARDS Winners however, participation in these is optional.
- In order to ensure fair and ethical standards, in cases where the applicant may have had a direct working relationship with a member of the judging panel in the area of HSE, or OE, the judge in question will not be part of the review committee for that application.
- Keep to the word limit
Keep it simple and succinct - don’t overload or confuse with unnecessary details or layers. Share it with someone who is unfamiliar with the project and seek their feedback. Did it hold their interest? - Plan ahead
Crafting an awards submission isn’t an easy feat, so start as early as possible and make sure you set aside ample time to plan, understand the judging criteria and lay out all the details before you begin. - Showcase your business
This means in all your answers you need to explain why your business deserves to win the award, talk about your achievements, and show the judges how great your business/project is. - Tell a story
Developing an awards submission is more than just listing out the business/project objectives and successes; it requires thoughtful consideration.
Most entries focus on three areas: the problem, the idea/solution and results. Instead of approaching them separately, use this as an opportunity to intrigue and inspire the jury. For young technical professional submissions, add a personal touch to your application, showing your passions and interests. - Focus on impact and effectiveness
A winning submission needs more than just a good story; it must be effective. Show how your business/project has impacted your target audience by using data and relevant metrics. - Don’t just tell. Show
People usually retain 80% of what they see and only 20% of what they read. Give the judges a front row seat to your campaign with images, video links and statistics to add credibility and bring your story to life. It also acts as a visual summary to help the judges remember your business/project. Just like storytelling, be selective with how you present your content. Choose the most interesting visuals that enhance or complement – instead of complicate - your narrative.