Energy Efficiency
in the Oil, Gas, Petrochemical, Chemical and Related Industries
Type: Exclusive In-House Training & Public
Trainers: Deryck Coetzer & Freek van Heerden
Duration: Part I (3 days) | Part II (3 days)

With an increased focus on the operation of facilities at an energy efficient level, the emphasis of cost-efficient energy has become even more vital to achieving business objectives than in the past. Not only is the cost of energy important to the sustainability of the business but global warming, CO2 taxation and decarbonisation are all providing additional impetus towards improving the energy efficiency of your facilities. An optimised facility with a well understood energy baseline is essential in establishing a roadmap towards a circular economy. This course will assist participants in understanding the energy efficiency and optimisation imperative.
The Energy Efficiency course is structured in two parts. On completion of Part I of this course, delegates will have a firm understanding of Energy Management concepts as described in the ISO 50001 Energy Management Standards. Part II of the course will concentrate on energy efficiency opportunities in industry in order to create value for corporate energy savings and carbon reduction.
- Personnel from related process industries
- Energy Managers
- Process Engineers
- Facility/Plant Managers
- Plant Engineers
- Personnel involved in reducing carbon footprint

- Obtain Practical Knowledge on:
- How to Implement an Energy Management System;
- How to Assess the Energy Performance of a Facility;
- How to Improve your Energy Performance;
- How to Set up Energy Performance Indicators;
- Identifying Energy Performance Gaps;
- Setting a Roadmap Toward Improved Energy Usage;
- Energy Improvements Opportunities for Various Unit Operations
- Improved Financial Performance
- Tools to Reduce Energy Consumption, or Increase Energy Efficiency, Can Lower Energy Bills and Improve Company Competitiveness
- Improving Company Reputation through Implementing Carbon Footprint Initiatives
Meet Our Subject Matter Experts

Deryck Coetzer
Associate Trainer & Consultant, Euro Petroleum Consultants
Deryck Coetzer has a Higher National Diploma in Chemical Engineering with 40 years of experience in a wide variety of projects at various stages of development in the petrochemical industry. He spent most of his career working for Sasol, first as a process engineer and later as an engineering manager on projects. He spent a large portion of his career in developing, optimising, and supporting process utility systems.
Deryck has taught various courses in the Middle East and South Africa.

Freek van Heerden
Associate Trainer & Consultant, Euro Petroleum Consultants
Freek van Heerden is a registered professional engineering with a master’s degree in Chemical Engineering and MBA diplomas from the Columbia Business school (New York) as well as from the Institute of Management Development in Lausanne, Switzerland. Early in his professional career he participated in developing a curriculum for a South African National Higher Diploma in Chemical Engineering and he was the lecturer for the Engineering design courses. He also lectured various courses at the University of Potchefstroom as well as being external examiner for a number of years.
His industrial career started off in plant support capacities initially being responsible for plant troubleshooting, operation improvements and general support. He then moved to operations manager responsible for operations and maintenance, moving more and more into project activities as engineer, project manager and engineering manager. During his career he also spent time in company strategic planning, capital project portfolio management, information management and developing and setting up systems including standardisation and ISO accreditation and the training and change management thereof.
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